Going to camp

31 07 2011

Just a quick blog about Camp Seneca Lake before I leave for three whole weeks! I will be away from my parents. I won’t be posting then so I thought that I should let everyone know that no new content will be posted. I will be at Camp Seneca Lake where I have gone for the past 3 years with some people I haven’t met yet and others I have known since I was a baby. Also, I have gone to Family Camp at Camp Seneca Lake with my parents since I was REALLY young. I hope my hobby is pit cooking or heads will roll.

Thanks For Reading! See you in three weeks!

I’m Back From Camp!

26 08 2010
CSL 2010 color war paintings

CSL 2010 color war paintings

Hi! Today I am going to write a quick blog about my experience at the summer camp I go to.

I go to a camp called Camp Seneca Lake for three weeks in august when I sleep, eat, and have fun. You might think sleep? Yes, I sleep there. It is a sleep-away camp. People might gasp at the thought of not seeing your son or daughter or not seeing your parents for three whole weeks. Well, I have gone for three years and I love it there!

That’s not even the scariest part to some people. The scariest part is in July you can stay for FOUR weeks. Some people even stay for seven weeks because they go in July and August! I have a great time doing activities like climbing on the climbing wall, sailing on the lake, bunk nights, village nights and evening programs. Over all I have a great time at camp! Can’t wait for next year!